
Data Extracts

About Our Data Extracts

Our Integration Files contain passenger name records (PNRs) data. The data .XLS files can be imported into your application to view your corporate travel activity and the costs associated to flight, hotel, rental car, rail, cruise/ferry, tour, or bus trips.

All Product Detail with Reportable Fields

The All Product Detail with Reportable Fields data file contains an aggregated extract of your company booking activity by traveler/trip, including trip payment, travel origin and destination, booking source and travel provider (e.g. Virgin Atlantic) information, and a detailed breakdown of travel costs. 

What this data file contains

The data file contains a tabbed list of company booking activity for each trip by travel industry type. This includes a tab for all flight, hotel, rental car, rail, cruise/ferry, tour, or bus trip activity. It can be provided in .XLS format (only).

Recommended frequency is once per week, with updates sent based on last modified date.



Booked Data Detail

The Booked Data Detail data file contains an aggregated extract of your company booking activity by traveler/trip (similar to the “All Product Detail with Reportable Fields” extract). 

What this data file contains

The data file contains a single list of all company booking activity for each trip. This includes a single view for all flight, hotel, rental car, rail, cruise/ferry, tour, or bus trip activity. It can be provided in .XLS or .ZIP format.

Recommended frequency is once per day.

.xls, .csv, .txt, .zip
